Our Ambitions For A Sustainable Future
We take the sustainable development of our organization very seriously. Therefore, we have defined our ambitions and the goals we are striving to achieve.
We want to continue to improve our position as a leader in the development of sustainable packaging solutions and help both new and existing customers protect the environment. We also continue to reduce our direct impact on the environment by the actions that we take in our operations and facilities.

We want to create a diverse and inclusive work environment where human rights are respected throughout the value chain. We want to offer good and safe working conditions, supporting the development of our employees at the same time. We want to collaborate with valued NGO’s on pressing social and environmental challenges affecting us and our stakeholders.

We want to have a strong culture with the highest ethical standards. We want to be the sustainability leader in the contract manufacturing and packaging industry.

We aim to support the following Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations
Affordable And Clean Energy

Decent Work And Economic Growth

Responsible Consumption And Production

Climate Action